JoCo Bar Holiday Food Drive
11/13/2023 - 11/17/2023
Show your appreciation for our court staff at the JoCo Courts by donating to the courthouse food pantry!
Donations will be collected November 13th through November 17th at the JoCo Bar office and at the JoCo Courthouse.
Most needed items for donation:
Easy mac
Laundry detergent
Hygiene products
Microwaveable Instant mashed potatoes
Microwavable soups
Ramen noodles in the container
Individual mini peanut butter containers
Gluten free meal options
Packaged meat: packets of tuna and chicken
Gift cards donations also accepted! (Target, HyVee, Aldi)
Donations can be dropped off during business hours at either of two locations:
1. The JoCo Bar office
2. The JoCo Courthouse - take your donations to Court Administration - 1st floor, north end, at the end of the hallway
Let's stock the pantry for the holidays!

7400 W. 129th Street, Suite 201
Overland Park, KS 66213 United States